San Antonio, TX
Mon Jun 23 – Fri Jun 27 AT 9 a.m. – noon
For Rising PreK4 - 5th Grade
Here at Wonder Junction, we marvel at Jesus and live for his
glory. Participants will be exploring different activities all focused on
learning to live following Jesus's example.
Registration Fee is $55 per child (additional siblings will receive a discount)
Children Rising PreK4 - 5th grade will experience camp in mixed age groups led
by adults and youth who will be both helping and participating at stations or led
by adults directors.
Teen Volunteers - Rising 6th graders up through 12th grade are invited to
volunteer in various ways. Teens can volunteer for the role of assisting Group Leaders
or Station Leaders. Please register teen volunteers under the student link.
Adults - We need your help in a wide variety of ways from group leaders and station leaders, to helping coordinate snacks and supplies and more! Note that this is open to adults of all ages, not just parents!
All Volunteers - Be sure to save these dates for training and set up prep! For
safeguarding reasons, June 21 is mandatory for all volunteers.
June 11 - Work Evening / Decoration Creation 5-7pm. Light dinner included.
June 18 - Work Evening / Decoration Creation 5-7pm. Light dinner included.
June 21 - All volunteer training followed by decorating and set up. 9am-3pm.
More details to follow once you register!
VBS is a morning program, but St. Luke's Episcopal School is
offering an afternoon summer camp program, Summer on the Hilltop, with several
fun afternoon class offerings. If you are interested in a full day option, please use the
following link to browse the Summer on the Hilltop program.
If your child stays for an afternoon, they will need to bring a packed lunch
Nursery Care is available for parent volunteers who have children ages 1 -
3. We have a limit this year of 12, so register early. Our nursery staff plans
to create a parallel program in play centers and plans for outside play. If you
are volunteering for our VBS program and would like to have your child in
nursery care, please register them using our student registration form. Please
note that registration fees are waved for our toddler participants as a thank
you to our amazing volunteers. If you would like more information about nursery care, please contact Paula Guardjo at
Help Our VBS!
Donate Volunteer Sign UpSt. Luke's Episcopal Church—11 St Luke's Lane, San Antonio, TX 78209